Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Civic Literacy Score

The quiz can be found here.

I don't feel to great about my score. I got an 81.81% (or 27/33). After looking at the average scores though, I'm not too embarrassed to post it here for the whole world to see. I didn't remember what a Puritan was and I guessed incorrectly. I scored in the top 3% which I think says less about me and more about how ignorant the sample subjects were with regard to civic matters.

Seems to me that our media obsessed culture will be part of Americas undoing. The media has too much influence over the uninformed and the ignorant. Everyone over 18 (minus felons) gets one vote. Even people who get their news (exclusively?) from SNL, John Stewart, and the Colbert Report.

Video from How Obama Got

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