Sunday, November 09, 2008


We'll all find out soon enough. I don't believe in his recipe for change. I voted McCain-Palin in case it wasn't already obvious.

I believe I said in an earlier post that I believed the cost of energy in America was going to go way, way up. Nothing anyone that isn't living under a rock couldn't tell you. I think the election of Obama is only going to exacerbate the situation we already face.

If Obama is such an environmentalist, then why doesn't he want us to be able to build clean coal plants? Are all of our old "dirty" coal plants any better? What good do you expect to come from taxing an industry that provides nearly 50% our energy? What effects does he think that will have on the economy in general? He does understand that taxing the energy providers is actually a tax on the business (producers) and consumers of of this nation right? How do we compete in a global market when our products cost more because of our "skyrocketing" energy costs? Won't such a punitive tax on energy be more incentive for manufacturing companies to "ship jobs overseas"? I'm not seeing the upside to this plan.

Newt Gingrich makes a lot of sense here. He usually does. I'm with him on this one all the way.

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