Sunday, July 29, 2007

Jogger's Nipple

I haven't posted my cumulative miles cycling this year yet, but without doing that now I'll just say that I'm really outdoing myself this year.

One side effect of that I'm experiencing is nipple soreness. I've noticed this before after some of my longer Saturday workouts I do during the winter at the gym on the cross trainer. I just shrugged it off and figured it was because my shirt rubbed. I never knew this had an official name until I recently looked it up on the internet. They call it jogger's nipple. It happens to marathon runners and joggers mostly but I guess anyone else really that's doing something athletic that would cause their clothes to rub. Even if the movement of my shirt across my chest is slight I can attest to the fact that it's enough after an hour and half or two on a bike that it gets to be irritating. I'm not bleeding like the dude in this picture but it's no picnic either. I'd call it relatively low intensity pain...maybe 1 or 2 on a 10 scale unless I forget about it and rub my towel across my chest after my shower. Then it's more like...I don't know...a 5 on a scale of 10.

The guy in this picture switched to NipGuards and I'll bet he's glad he did. I think I'm going to give the petroleum jelly method a try. I don't like the idea of slapping an adhesive anything to that part of my body.

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