This is Manuel Uribe. I think this is a "before" photo when he weighed 1234 lbs. I've seen this guy on TV on Sunday night on The Learning Channel a couple times. There's an entire one hour show about when he went on the Zone Diet and lost 440 lbs. I wonder what effects all that fat has had on his skeletal structure. From what I've seen on TV it appears that the way he sits is like doing the splits. His exercise is rolling around on his bed. Toward the end of the show he goes outside for he first time in years. A friend gets his bed up on a flatbed with a forklift and they go cruising around in his tiny little Mexican town. It's a big party.
It's amazing to me that this guy is still alive while at the same time there are sometimes athletes out there that die from heart defects that go undiscovered until it's too late.
This photo gives new meaning to the old adage, "You mess with the bull you get the horns". You can see the horn in there clear up to his knee. Once the adrenaline wore off that must've hurt like mad. Remind me never to go running with the bulls.
This is a wet cat. I don't have much to say about this other than I think that it's hilarious. I recommend a visit to to Google's image search page and conducting a search for, "wet cat".
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