Sunday, October 15, 2006

Don't shop at

I got another one. Don't buy anything from Undergroundtown on eBay.

I've only been ripped off on by sellers on eBay twice over the last 6 years or so. I've purchased nearly 100 things from almost as many sellers and now it's a pretty safe bet I'm never going to see the Prometheus CD I bought from this guy. I bought it in June for $17.95 with the shipping. I hoped it would come before I left town on vacation but it didn't. I was surprised not to see it in my pile of mail when I got back in July. I emailed the guy and got one response back after my third email. He apologized, claimed things had gotten crazy and that he had, had a lot of spam but said he'd send it out right away. It never came. Things got busy and before I knew it the time passed where I could get my money back through Paypal. I emailed a few more times with no reply. I used the dispute console on eBay to report a non-delivery on a seller at around the 60 day mark. He got back to me on that and apologized again and said he'd send it along with an extra CD for my trouble. Nothing ever came. A couple messages later via this dispute console thing he admitted he didn't even have one to send but would get one in and send it. A dispute only stays open for 90 days after you initiate it and now we're past that and it closed. I've emailed a couple times but it's safe to say I'm never going to hear anything or get my CD. I posted negative feedback a long time ago. It was his first negative feedback ever. I even bought a CD from him before all this and things went fine. I see that recently he's gotten a whole bunch more negative feedback ratings....12 in the last month from others who were also ripped off and angry. Today I emailed him and told him he was going to hell when he dies if he doesn't send me my CD or find Jesus. I hope he does both although the latter is far more important.

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