Saturday, October 21, 2006

Google Satellite Image

During the summer I often ride loops on this road that circles a park near where I live. It's technically in the park so there's not much traffic. Most of the traffic is people walking their dogs, or joggers, roller-bladers, and other bikers. It's just under a mile and 3/4 around. I usually do an equal number of loops in each direction starting with counterclockwise loops. It's not completely flat but it doesn't have any gigantic hills either. It's just hilly enough to make it interesting and different depending on which way around your going. I put together this aerial view of it using the satellite map thing on Google maps. I zoomed in as far as it would go and did a bunch of screenshots and then pasted them all together. I'd never seen the park from that perspective before so I thought it was interesting. At first I considered putting together an aerial view like this of my entire route that I go on from my house to this park. I decided against it because at this zoom level it would take forever and it would be one very gigantic image. And what would the point of it be anyway? The park is more interesting than any other part of my route.

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