Saturday, January 21, 2006

Slow Speed Internet

For some mysterious reason my internet connection slowed to dial-up speed from last Wednesday to Wednesday the week before. It doesn't take a broadband connection to blog, but without it I just didn't feel like doing anything I normally do routinely on the web including posting here. I don't know how I used to handle doing things on the internet at such slow speeds. I've grown accustomed to high speed and I just don't have the patience for slowly downloading webpages any longer. Not surprisingly during this period of time I got a lot done around the house that I wouldn't have otherwise. For one my desk is clear enough that you can see most of the top of it and my file pile is nearly finished. I think I'm going put "broadband internet access" on my brand new list of things that I can't live without. I just started this list and that is the first thing on it. I suppose I could live without it, but I was pretty bummed out for the entire week without it. "Things I'd strongly prefer not to live without" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

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