Until I read it at the Star Trac website tonight I didn't know what SPM meant on the display. It's fairly obvious once you're on this machine it has something to do with how fast you're going but I was never been able to figure what it stood for. The Lifefitness ones have RPM on their display, but these Star Trac ones have SPM in its' place. Whatever SPM was I knew I was doing about 130 to 140 of them at the top end. It turns out it means strides per minute. That makes sense because I'm doing about double the number of them as I was RPM on the other machine.
My least favorite machines at the gym are the Cybex Total Body Arc Trainers. They look like this... I only was on one of these evil machines once but I'm nearly certain I will not be giving one a second chance. I spent maybe 20 minutes on it and everything seemed OK until I got off of it. I wondered as I was on it if I should be because I thought the motion might be hard on my knees. When I got off I found out I was right. The pain didn't last long but why would I put myself though it at all when there are fitness machines there that aren't so hard on my knees?
For the time being and until it gets warm enough outside to that point where I can ride my bike again, the Star Trac Elite CrossTrainer is my machine of choice. I'm going to continue to use one several times a week for a half hour to 45 minutes at a time while I listen to headphones and watch TVs with the closed captioning turned on. The headphones are to partly to drown out the crap music they play on the speakers in the fitness room.....but maybe that's another post for another day.