Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Sunday

Today when I arrived at our family gathering for Easter my niece was so excited to show me the eggs she found that she accidentally dumped the tray they were in and they broke open on the kitchen floor. It turns out the eggs weren't hard boiled enough. The insides were semi-solid. We had to clean them up off the kitchen floor and throw them out. She didn't seem that disappointed. I think there were only 4 of them in the tray so it wasn't too terrible of a mess.

My mom made a cake for our dessert unlike I have ever seen before. It was a layer cake and it had chocolate and vanilla sections in a checkerboard pattern. She said she probably wouldn't make it again because it was a lot of work. She seemed pretty sure it wasn't going to be very good but it tasted OK to me. It was less moist than most cakes but we had ice cream with it so it balanced out fine.

I found this using Google's image search. (What did people ever do before Google?) My mom's cake looked almost exactly like this only I don't think it was quite as high. I wonder if a checkerboard cake is like some sort of pinnacle of cake making. At one end of the spectrum are simple microwave cakes and at the other are checkerboard cakes. If this is the case I've never endeavored beyond the microwave cake. To my recollection I've only made one cake in my entire life, and it was a microwave cake. I was 18 and I made it for my girlfriend for her 19th birthday.

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