Saturday, May 20, 2006

Horror Movie #3 - Hostel

My third horror movie rental was Hostel (official site here). It was without any doubt the bloodiest of the my 3 rentals. It had more scenes that were disturbing and uncomfortable to watch than my previous 2 horror rentals combined. The plot wasn't great or even very unpredictable but I didn't care about that. The setup is that some traveling backpackers decide to visit a hostel in Slovakia with the intent of satisfying their hedonistic desires. The 3 friends find what they are looking for but also end up getting separated from each other one by one. Where they end up and what happens to them is essentially what makes this a "horror" movie. There are some tense moments but they are mostly brief. The filmmakers always delivered some sort of disturbing outcome.
The most disturbing moment for me was the scene where the girl had her eye hanging out. The main character manages to rescue her from her captor and her torturous death but decides it's best to snip off her eye which was dangling from its' socket by the nerves or something. This was pretty sick stuff. Overall I'd give this movie 3 stars on a five scale. It probably deserves more than that but I watched this a while ago now. It's not fresh in my mind anymore so I've already forgotten a lot about it.

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