Monday, May 15, 2006

Horror Movie #1 - Saw II

I like a good horror movie on occasion. I don't know why but sometimes movies that are mentally or visually disturbing and uncomfortable to watch interest me. The last 3 movies I rented would fall in this category. Probably none of them will go down in history as horror greats but they were definitely disturbing and uncomfortable viewing to varying degrees. The first one and my least favorite of the 3 was Saw II (official site here). The tagline from the trailer was great. "Oh yes, there will be blood". I had higher hopes for it and I was somewhat disappointed overall. The opening scene was great. This guy was led to believe by his captor that he had a key implanted behind his eyeball which would free him from his trap. It's too bad nothing else that happened after that was on a level as disturbing to watch as that was. The guy had a scalpel, a mirror, and a limited amount of time to get the key out from behind his eyeball and unlock himself from his trap before the contraption would slam shut on his head and kill him.

The "surprise" ending was just OK. It set things up for Saw III which I doubt I'll bother with. One thing that didn't make sense to me in Saw II was the peephole/gun trap. This guy gets shot right square in the eye from a gun that was rigged up and pointed into the opposite side of a peephole he was looking into. If he was unknowingly looking down a gun barrel on the other side of the peephole wouldn't it just have been dark? The gun firing was activated by turning a key in a lock on the door. Once they had found a key to unlock the door why would that guy stand there with his eye in a dark peephole where he couldn't see anything?

Still the movie overall wasn't a complete waste. It was not as good as I'd hoped but not worth more than a rental fee and one viewing. I'll post about the other 2 horror flicks I rented as I get to them. I give Saw II, 2-1/2 stars.

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