Sunday, October 03, 2010


I've seen something like this somewhere before too.

This is an undated handout photo issued Tuesday Sept. 28, 2010 by Cherwell District Council, near Oxford England of a mouse in a loaf of Hovis bread bought by Stephen Forse, from Kidlington, England purchased online from Tesco supermarkets, through a store in Bicester, in January 2009. Forse was sickened when he found a dead mouse in his loaf of bread while making sandwiches for his children. The father-of-two thought the bread was just discoloured but on closer inspection saw the object was covered in fur. Following an investigation by council health officers, Premier Foods was ordered to pay 16,821 pounds, US$26,625, euro19,781, at Oxford Crown Court on Friday Sept. 24, 2010.(AP Photo/Cherwell District Council/PA)

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