Sunday, October 17, 2010

One Hundred Twenty-Five

My plan was to do the Door County Century and then do the 100 mile route for Maywood right after that the next Saturday. The only problem was the weather didn't cooperate. I watched the forecast pretty closely the week running up to Maywood. It didn't turn out as bad as the forecast had predicted. It was supposed to rain all morning with thunderstorms in the afternoon. It turned out to be just cloudy with some spots of sun here and there from 9:00 onward. I probably could have done more than the 25 mile route but the weather being so uncertain I didn't. If I do either the 70 or 100 mile routes I have to get up to Sheboygan to start by 7:30 which means I have to get on the road a little after 6AM. I decided to skip that and I slept a little extra instead. The 25 mile route was sort of anti-climactic after doing the Door County Century. Somehow I was rider number 1 according to my wristband, so there's that.
Normally Maywood is the highlight of the year, but instead Door County was. There was much better weather and I completed the whole thing. I was real windy on the route back. I can't recall riding in wind like that all year. Usually if it's that strong I just do something else besides riding my bike out in it. They repaved Lake Forest Park Road since I was last on it which I was pleased about. Toward the end my knee started hurting but other than that I felt pretty good. I have that same pain in my left knee when I hike mountains. It usually starts hurting on the way back down the mountain...not sure why that is. I have never had the knee pain while bike riding until this year. I'm hoping that doesn't become a problem in the future. That could put a dent in my plans to reach enough miles to where I can say, that when added together, I've ridden a bike as many miles as it is around the earth at the equator.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Netflix Update # 5

This is a longer list since I barely post here much. This starts with December 2009 at the bottom. Recently I intended to add The Fog to my queue but I guess I put in The Mist by accident. It's close to the same thing, but not really at all the same. I remember once a long time ago as a family we had rented Working Girls instead of Working Girl. We didn't get very far into it when we figured out it was about prostitutes and wasn't the one we wanted.

Clash of the Titans (2010)
Who's Your Monkey
The Mist
The Ruins
Edge of Darkness
The Maiden Heist
Crazy Heart
Sherlock Holmes
Blade Runner (Directors Cut)
Paranormal Activity
The Last House on the Left (2009)
Open Water 2: Adrift
The Road
Alien vs Predator
Alien Resurrection: Collector's Edition
Alien 3: Collector's Edition
Aliens: Collector's Edition
Alien: Collector's Edition
Breaking Bad Season 2 (Discs 1-4)
Breaking Bad Season 1 (Disc 1-3)
Robot Chicken Season 1 (Disc 1)
Wristcutters: A Love Story
The Hurt Locker
Inglourious Basterds
Rise: The Bloodhunter
Million Dollar Baby
Cinderella Man
Run Lola Run
The Proposition
Terminator Salvation

Previous Netflix Update here.


I've seen something like this somewhere before too.

This is an undated handout photo issued Tuesday Sept. 28, 2010 by Cherwell District Council, near Oxford England of a mouse in a loaf of Hovis bread bought by Stephen Forse, from Kidlington, England purchased online from Tesco supermarkets, through a store in Bicester, in January 2009. Forse was sickened when he found a dead mouse in his loaf of bread while making sandwiches for his children. The father-of-two thought the bread was just discoloured but on closer inspection saw the object was covered in fur. Following an investigation by council health officers, Premier Foods was ordered to pay 16,821 pounds, US$26,625, euro19,781, at Oxford Crown Court on Friday Sept. 24, 2010.(AP Photo/Cherwell District Council/PA)

Sunday, June 27, 2010


The tornado last week in Eagle destoyed among many other things, a new car belonging to one of my co-workers. It was Jeep Compass with not quite 2000 miles on it. She was pet sitting at her sisters house which is in these photos. These are all photos from the FOX6 website. The black car that's upside-down was her brother-in-law's Trans Am. The Compass is the one on its' side. She said it was all smashed in and all the windows were broken. The photos don't really do justice to the actual damage that happened to the vehicle. It was just totally destroyed she said.

Fewer and fewer every day

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kill (the) Bill

I like to have an image to go along with my blog posts. Google image search for "kill the bill" gives me a series of Kill Bill images for results. So that's why the title and the movie poster.

They're going to vote on the health care bill in a couple hours and it looks like, by most accounts that it will pass despite overwhelming opposition. That's depressing as hell. The President is promoting socialist ideals and a vote for this bill is a vote for socialism. The Democrats should rename themselves the Socialist party after this. Health care whether we're talking about providers or the insurance industry is run in our county by the people and if this gets passed that will no longer be the case. This bill will lead to the government taking over health care....from the people. The government will eventually control essentially every part of it. Health care provider compensation to insurance coverage mandates to cost controls and the list goes on and on.

Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

The above is the definition of the word socialism from the American Heritage dictionary.

You would have to be a fool to believe that improving health care quality and reducing its' cost are the goals of this legislation. This is all about a power grab. If the Democrats...err socialists that currently are in control of our government put the healthcare feather in their cap, it's a game changer for sure. Get ready for taxes and more taxes along with reduced quality and availability of health care. And I should not neglect to mention the effects of this legislation on our economy. Caterpillar calculates that this will cost them 100 million in the first year alone. The weak economic climate we already have certainly won't strengthen if this legislation is enacted.

Reagan once said, "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'". I could not agree more.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Friday, February 05, 2010


The Obamas sure do talk funny. Michelle says "deshtroyed" in this Red Cross commercial and it drives me nuts every time I hear it. And now this video is all over the place with Barrack saying "corpse-man" 3 times during a speech. George Bush always says "nucular" instead of nuclear but that seems to be pretty common. I remember my 6th grade science teacher used to say it that way too.

Jack Bauer on 24 says "nucular" too. It must a hard habit to break.