Monday, December 14, 2009

Gingerbread House

I'm not sure I understand what gingerbread homes have to do with Christmas. Whatever the connection here is a video of iJustine building gingerbread house.

I made a gingerbread house once. It was in 6th grade if I remember correctly. I think it was Graham crackers we used instead. I dropped it taking it out of my locker after school the day I was going to take it home. I remember being really mad at myself when I did that too. I was much more upset about it that than I should have been.

I'm not so sure about the Apple logo. Personally I'm not even close to giving up my PC. Maybe someday I'll try an Apple as a spare computer or something, but that probably won't be any time soon.

"If I could move that fast, I'd never leave the house." I'm pretty sure Butthead said that while commenting on the Tool video below for Sober.

I like the part of the video at the end where what looks like meat is going thru the plumbing. There's lot of wierd and interesting going on in this video.

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