Thursday, September 07, 2006

Tuxedo Cat

I discovered today that they have a name for the coloring of cats like my cat Socks. They call them "tuxedo" cats. It makes a lot of sense now that I know this and I can hardly believe I've never heard of this before today. I think his tuxedo fits him quite nicely. His white coloring doesn't spill over any edges which would diminish the tuxedo effect.

In this other photo you can see Socks near my Spri Xercise ball. I've thought about training him to walk on top of it like the monkeys at the circus do. I think if any animal would be good at walking around on top of a rolling ball it would be a cat. Cats are supposed to have great balancing abilities. They're brains are probably about walnut sized or something but relative to other mammals a lot more of their brain mass is cerebellum so their balance and motor skills are real good. I think if I can pull this off it'll be great entertainment for any guests I have over. Although even if I manage to get him comfortable doing this, he's pretty shy when people come over so it'll really be a miracle if I can get him to do it then.

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