Saturday, August 19, 2006

2006 miles

This is my cyclocomputer. The odometer is about to go back to zero so I took a photo of it before that happens.

I made a chart with my cumulative mileage for last year and this year. This year looks pretty pathetic compared with last year. I'm sure I'll never match last years total mileage. I'm not even going to try. The bottom of the chart is the number of days starting with 1 on June 1. It ends with 138 which was October 16th and the last day I rode my bike in 2005. Today is the 80th day since the first of June so obviously the chart ends there for 2006. Next year I'm definitely planning to beat 2005. I'm going to shoot for 850-900 miles. I think I'm going to get a new bike before that too so I'm not sure it will be a completely fair comparison. I'm going to get something a bit lighter.

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