Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Final post about birds......I think.

There are 6 slots total that birds can build nests in above my patio and on the underside of the deck above. Three of the six have had inhabitants who had children and have all since moved on to live somewhere else. If numbered sequentially from left to right the fourth slot now has finches in it and at the same time the fifth slot has robins in it. The robins have 4 babies in one nest. There are 3 for sure and I'm reasonably certain I saw a fourth baby stick his head up one time from the far side of the nest. They don't look much like robins yet. If they're not robins though I can't think of a reason an adult robin would be feeding them. Unless something real spectacular happens I'm going to stop posting about all the bird nest activities and focus on my recent vacation experiences for a while or whatever other random thing comes to mind for a post.

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