Saturday, December 17, 2005

This new blog of mine

I decided to do this the same day as my Rat Patrol post in November. I don’t have any real idea yet how often I plan to post, but 3 weeks ago when I first set this up I figured I would have more posts than this by now. It's extremely unlikely that I will be breaking some incredible news to the world here. I have no expectation that anyone will even read this. I think of this so far as my own corner of the web to do whatever I want with and to say whatever I feel like saying even if it's directed toward no one in particular. I do find it interesting that my profile has been viewed 53 times so far especially since up until now all I’ve had was a simple post I put up just to see how this service worked.

To follow up on that post…

I’ve seen that huge inflated rat up a few more times. They don’t have it up every day but I’ve probably seen it about 3 or 4 times in the last week and a half. I think that Rat Patrol is actually a part of the union itself rather than a separate group. I think I saw something on the truck the rat sits on that says local 139. I think it was 139 but I couldn’t swear to it. I mostly look at the rat. I just think it’s real interesting. I probably should be watching the road. This particular strike has been going since sometime in August I think. I don’t remember exactly but it’s been a long time for sure. It’s at Halquist Stone and I think it has something to do with retirement benefits or something. I don’t know much about the situation at all but as a passive observer I’d say the strike hasn’t slowed the traffic of trucks going into and out of the quarry any. Save for the occasional appearance of the giant inflatable rat and the dozen or so daily picketers it looks like business as usual whenever I drive by.

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