Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ants Part 2

I had to "take care" of some ants again. This time they don't have a clear reason for being there or a clear source. There's no trail to the door or anywhere. They seem to come right out from under the carpet there by the border between carpet and kitchen floor. There's about enough space to slide an index card underneath the edging but it's enough for the ants. There were only about 2 or 3 at a time coming out there until I put out the poison. I put a old jelly jar on top of the ant bait packet and then covered that with a shoebox so my cat wouldn't bother it. I took all that off about 3 hours later and found what's in these pictures. That was 2 days ago, now all the ants are gone. They probably all went underneath the carpet and died.

These images are 1024x768 wallpaper sized for your desktop. Enjoy!

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