Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Dentist

I haven't been to the dentist in a while. I've been thinking about making an appointment just to get it over with. I'm sure I'll get lectured about flossing. I floss pretty routinely but sometimes I lose my way and I get more irregular with it. Either way since it has been around a year and half since I've been to a dentist I'm sure that I have a fair amount of plaque buildup that should really be taken care of.

The other night I had a dream I went to the dentist and my hygienist was Donna from That 70's Show. She told me I had a cavity in one of my lower teeth along the front and that they were just going to pull the tooth out altogether. It didn't really sound that bad coming from her and I haven't really decided whether this was a nightmare or not. I'd probably say it wasn't because I woke up before any extracting took place.

I haven't really ever broken the visit every 6 months routine until this time around. Unless things have changed they don't have hygienists that look like Hollywood actresses where I get my teeth cleaned. (Donna above, Jackie below). One can only hope....or dream I guess.

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