Around where I live in Wisconsin we have to pass a vehicle emissions test before we can renew our registrations. It seems like I have to go every year but I think it's really every other year the test is required. It's possible it seems like that to me because I have more than one registered vehicle and I think they alternate years. Anyway there are sometimes long lines nearer to the end of the month and at certain times of the day. Someone had a good idea and put up some cameras at all the test stations and
a website that you can go look at the photos to determine if it's a good time to go. Last time I had to have this test I pulled up
the website on my computer at work and I left it up while I drove over and took my test. The camera takes a picture about twice each minute. After I got back to work I did some investigating. It was a little tricky but I found all the image files in my browser cache and was able to pull out the relevant ones from the time period while I was in line. I'm the green Ranger at the back in the first photos. Blogger shrunk my photos for some reason but if you click on them the full size image is there.
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