Saturday, October 03, 2009

Brookers / Quiet Riot

I've been watching these rather strange videos on YouTube lately. I was searching one day for an example of an x-ray of an S curved spine and came across Brooke Brodack's Quiet Riot YouTube channel. Apparently making videos and video blogging is what the kids are doing these days and I've been completely ignorant about the whole thing. I've watched the entire lot of videos on the Quiet Riot channel and I can't figure out why I did it. I was drawn to watch them for some reason I can't figure out. They are a good break from studying I guess. Probably Brookers most viewed video is the crazed numa fan spoof video which currently has over 8 million views.

This video here is Brooke and iJustine. iJustine is a viral video star according to Wikipedia. She's known for her 300 page iphone bill video (2 million views and counting). I just post this vid because it has the 2 of them in it. It' s complete nonsense. The head pinching/crushing part at the end was something I remember from Kids in the Hall. I don't know if that's where these 2 know it from or not.

The title of this video on YouTube is and the sort of joke at the beginning is about 2 girls 1 cup. If you haven't seen "2 girls 1 cup" I suggest you keep it that way. I've seen some disturbing things before on the internet...bones breaking etc...but that video nearly tops them all. There's a lot of reaction videos on YouTube of people watching it. It's far too graphic for YouTube so the vid itself isn't on there. I'd say I handled it better than most. I didn't wretch like some people did.

I'd say that this is a video that happens because your trapped inside all day due to a snowstorm except that the video was posted in the middle of summer so I would be wrong to say that.

Is Brookers certifiably insane? I say no.

Why do I do this? Because I can. [iieeiieauiiieeihhrreurrr] This is what the internet does to your kids! Aaaaghh!

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