Saturday, February 03, 2007

Gift Card Money Grab

My last post reminded me of something I read a while back that also involves the government taking money from private businesses. In this instance a state representative here in Wisconsin plans to introduce a bill which would give the unused value of gift cards to the state treasury. In other words if someone gives you a gift card and you don't use it, the money that the retailer would normally take in profit when the card expired would not be retained by the retailer but instead would be forfeited to the state!

The Latest Liberal Money Grab -Jessica McBride

Side note: I'm adding Jessica McBride' s Blog to my links section down the right side of the page. I read her blog regularly along with that Crush Liberalism blog. You can always count on that Crush Liberalism guy to find examples of and expose the liberal slant in the MSM. Not that it's difficult to see or to find....turn on CNN, MSNBC etc., watch for 5 minutes.

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